Jul 23, 2017
Weekly Wrap-Up
I'm baaack! Sorry to skip last week's wrap-up, but I was traveling. I spent a few days in Lisbon, which was my first time in the city. I...

Jul 9, 2017
Weekly Wrap-Up
Happy Sunday! I hope you had a nice week! I've been traveling in Dubrovnik, Croatia (Game of Thrones fans paradise;-) and wasn't sure I...

Jul 2, 2017
Weekly Wrap-Up
Happy Sunday! Hope you had a lovely week:-) I am currently traveling, but in preparation for my trips, I have acquired quite a few...

Jun 18, 2017
Weekly Wrap-Up
Happy Father's Day! Did you get your dad any books? Mine is very keen on audiobooks, and I love it, because we often listen to or read...

Jun 11, 2017
Weekly Wrap-up
Another week has flown by, and I can't believe it's the middle of June already! What are you plans this summer (apart from reading, of...

Jun 2, 2017
Weekly Wrap-Up
TGIF! How has your week been? What are your plans for the weekend? After at least ten days of rain and gray weather, the sun is finally...

May 26, 2017
Weekly Wrap-Up
TGIF! What are you up to this weekend? Here in the US it is a long weekend for Memorial Day, but I haven't made any special plans (except...