Mar 8, 2019
The Best Books by Women
In honor of International Women's Day, I've rounded up some of my favorite books by female authors. Happy reading! Pride and Prejudice by...

Feb 14, 2019
18 Best Love Stories
In honor of Valentine's Day, I've rounded up a list of some of the best love stories. I've chosen some classics, some popular fiction and...

Jan 31, 2019
Bookish Places I'd Like to Visit
Something that makes a good book, for me at least, is a compelling setting, and though I am mostly a character-driven reader, some places...

Jan 27, 2019
10 Magical Series to Read if you Love Harry Potter
A few days ago, I wrote a post about the need for escapism and listing a few books to escape politics. I thought you could go a step...

Jan 24, 2019
10 Books to Get Away From Politics
I live in Washington DC, which feels like the apex of political talk, but I imagine no one in this country - or any, for that matter -...

Dec 30, 2018
Best Books of 2018
This time of year, one is inundated with "best of 2018" lists, and I like to look at them both for recommendations and to see if there is...

May 31, 2018
Enjoyable Book to Film/TV Adaptations
A while ago, I wrote a post about some disappointing film/TV adaptations of good books. But because I have often enjoyed an adaption,...

Dec 16, 2017
Best Things I Watched and Read in 2017
“The list could surely go on, and there is nothing more wonderful than a list, instrument of wondrous hypotyposis.” ― Umberto Eco, The...

Nov 25, 2017
Mini Review: The Alice Network by Kate Quinn
“Facing a pistol-wielding murderer does tend to put parents further down the list of things to be intimidated by.” ― Kate Quinn, The...

Nov 4, 2017
15 Great Books in Translation
Though I admit, I read mostly English and sometimes German books, some of the best books I read in recent years have been translated. The...