Jan 11, 2018
Link Love
I know it's only Thursday, but I'm doing Link Love a little early this week, because I'm participating in a blog tour tomorrow. Here I...

Dec 16, 2017
Best Things I Watched and Read in 2017
“The list could surely go on, and there is nothing more wonderful than a list, instrument of wondrous hypotyposis.” ― Umberto Eco, The...

Dec 13, 2017
This Week in Books
This Week in Books is a fun meme hosted by Lipsyy Lost and Found. In this post I look back on a book I've finished, highlight one I am...

Nov 2, 2017
Audiobooks with Excellent Narrators
Do you listen to audiobooks? I am a ravenous fan, and always have one on the go. Some books are just brought to life when a talented...

Oct 28, 2017
Clever Books with Unreliable Narrators
Though I understand why some readers find unreliable narrators frustrating, I generally enjoy them. One of the first such books I read...

Oct 19, 2017
Books to Topple Your To-Read List this Autumn!
“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” ― Albert Camus Autumn is the perfect time to cozy up indoors with a good book -...

Oct 17, 2017
Jane Steele by Lyndsay Faye
“I hope that the epitaph of the human race when the world ends will be: Here perished a species which lived to tell stories.” ― Lyndsay...

Sep 24, 2017
Mini Review: A Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee
“It's beginning to feel like he's shuffling his way through the seven deadly sins, in ascending order of my favourites.” ― Mackenzi Lee,...

Sep 20, 2017
This Week in Books
This Week in Books is a fun meme hosted by Lipsyy Lost and Found. In this post I look back on a book I've finished, highlight one I am...

Sep 15, 2017
Link Love
It's Friday, which means the weekend is upon us and it is time to share some of my favorite bookish articles and posts from this week!...