My Best Books of 2022

I know I'm not the only one marveling at how fast this year seems to have sped by! How can it be that we are mere weeks from 2023?! Disbelief at the sand-like delicacy of time, the end of the year calls for some manner of reflection, which, for the purpose of this blog, means pondering the best books I read this year. I should say, I feel I was more selective in my reading this year than in previous years, which also meant I read fewer books, about 80 to my previously higher records of well over 100. But as I get older, I don't want to view reading as a challenge or to feel the need to speed through a book, so I can add it to my tally. I also feel better about simply putting aside a book I am not clicking with, which I would previously have felt reluctant to do. Life is too short and there are simply too many books on my ludicrously long to-read list. This year was also a busy (mostly good busy!) one on a personal level, and I found myself getting distracted from reading more easily than before. This this list consists not only of the books that I feel have particular literary merit, but also of those that managed to capture my fragile attention and offer a healthy dose of escapism. I suspect many of you grade your favorite books this year on a similar scale, and would love to know what some of your standout reads were!
So, without further ado, in no particular order, here we go! If you click on the title, you can find my review for each title.
