Mini Reviews: Stay Awake by Megan Goldin and Daisy Darker by Alice Feeney

Stay Awake was an entertaining book, though not one, I think, that will stick with me for very long. I am usually not a fan of amnesia plot lines, but this was one did sound unique. For the most part the story was engaging, but after a while, it started to feel quite repetitive and the ending rushed and not terribly satisfying. Overall, an okay read for me, but not as clever or gripping as I hoped it might be. I've just been in a bit of a thriller rut, though, so I probably need to try a different genre.

Oh, boy, this was a slog. Alice Feeney's books have been really hit or miss for me, and this one falls into the latter category. It's just so SLOW! I usually like a locked room mystery with the atmosphere and tension building, but that was not the case here. The characters are all bland and unlikable, and even the setting isn't described in a way that made me feel immersed or particularly spooked. It felt repetitive and predictable, which I hadn't expected given the premise. I even considered abandoning it, but I'd made it over halfway though, and my general rule is then to finish it. I'm glad that other readers are enjoying it more, but for me, this was just not it.