Mini Reviews: Into Thin Air and Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer

As I read this book, I kept thinking, "Why would anyone do this?!" but I suppose some people possess a sense of adventure (bordering on the suicidal) I will never quite understand. Krakauer is one of these people and in this book, he chronicles a crazy and unfathomably tragic trek up Mt. Everest. As in all his books, the author and adventurer tells his story with care, honesty, self-reflection and criticism. It is a shocking tale and one I won't be quick to forget. Krakauer has a style of writing that makes nonfiction read like fiction and though I wished this story were made up, I am glad I read it and will continue to think about it for some time to come, I think. Recommended.

Another engaging story by Jon Krakauer! Though I know this is his best known work, I would not say it is my favorite (I think that honor goes to Missoula). It is, nonetheless, a well told account of the life of an intriguing (though not likable) young man, who met a very tragic end - don't worry, it's not a spoiler. I'm not sure I want to see the film, though, what do you think? Is it good or just depressing?