Mini Review: When You Disappeared by John Marrs

This book has been on my TBR for AGES, and I'm not sure why I never picked it up before now. The premise intrigued me, and I am a big fan of multiple POVs (when done capably) and different points in time. Marrs does, indeed, do a good job at this and the voices of Simon and Catherine alternate seamlessly. I did think it was off to a pretty slow start and it took me around 100 pages to really get into it, but at the halfway point, I was sucked in and couldn't put it down. I don't want to give anything away, but I will say, the final twist really surprised me, which has sadly become rare when I read crime fiction. I give Marrs a lot of credit for that and anticipate I will read more books by him in the future. My only, admittedly petty, niggle is that on several occasions, Catherine uses the phrase "Simon and I's relationship", which hurt my eyes. We are not on the bachelor, where such phrases are borderline acceptable. This is a novel! I truly don't care about the odd typo, but which editor missed this? Sorry, sorry, mini-rant over. Apart from that, it's a really entertaining book and I will gladly take recommendations for other John Marrs books, if you have them!