Mini Review: We Are the Brennans by Tracey Lange

We Are the Brennans is the author’s first book and I want to acknowledge that publishing your first is quite an accomplishment and the reading experience is, of course, very subjective. That being so, I have to say, this one didn’t really work for me. I found it to be completely predictable and not very engaging. The characters, to me at least, felt surprisingly clichéd and the plot somewhat recycled. I'm sure it isn't easy to write that many POVs and it didn't feel choppily done, so I give the author credit for that. One admittedly dumb complaint was also that I couldn't get past the fact that one of the male protagonists was called Kale, like the salad...I suspect it was Kale's character and his woe-is-me persona that irritated me more than the name, though. Yes, I am aware how petty that sounds, so I'm rounding up to three stars to appease my conscience;-)
I hate writing negative reviews, especially for debut novels, but this one just didn't work for me. I am happy to see, however, that many fellow reviewers absolutely loved this book. If you decide to pick it up, I hope you will be one of them!
Thanks to Celadon Books for providing me with this copy of We Are the Brennans in exchange for an honest review.