Mini Review: Unthinkable: Trauma, Truth, and the Trials of American Democracy by Jamie Raskin

I am teetering between 3 and 4 stars for this one. And 4 it will be, because Raskin seems like such a kind, earnest politician (is that possible??). His personal story is deeply moving and I'd challenge anyone not to feel compassion for the man and his family and the tragedy they have to live with, losing a son. My issue with the book is mostly that it is just too long. You can tell Raskin is a professor, because he goes on and on and on, hammering home an issue that, to me, and likely most of his other readers, is already crystal clear: January 6th was appalling and democracy is being attacked. Yes and yes, but do I need to hear the same thing repeated chapter after chapter, not really. That being said, Raskin is thorough and thoughtful and I wish there were more politicians - and humans - who shared his values, hopes and ambitions.