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Mini Review: The Villa by Rachel Hawkins


Like Rachel Hawkins, Reckless Girls, The Villa just didn't really do it for me. It was entertaining enough, but also very predictable to me (this may just be a "me" problem, as I read a lot of crime fiction). The characters felt a little too cliched for my liking, almost a bit like caricatures at times. I was also a bit disappointed that the setting, a villa in Italy, never really came to life, which I was really hoping for, when I read the summary of the book. I did like the shifting POVs and thought that was done is a fairly seamless way, not always an easy task. All in all, not a bad book by any means, but one that I suspect will not linger very long in my memory either.

Thanks to St. Martin's Press for providing me with a copy of The Villa in exchange for an honest review.



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