Mini Review: Hero of the Empire by Candice Millard

This was my third book by Candice Millard, and though it was very good, it wasn't quite as engaging as the other two (The River of Doubt and Destiny of the Republic). I think, in part, it's because Churchill comes across neither as very likable nor particularly wise. This book tells the story of an early point in his career, long before he would be prime minister, dealing especially with his involvement fighting and documenting the Boer War in South Africa, his capture and escape. Millard has a wonderful style of writing, that is almost narrative even as she reports on a true story. She is clearly a master researcher, and in all her books I like that she focuses on a very specific but critical time in the life of a historically significant figure. I have come away from each of them having learned more and eager to see which person she will chose to write about next!