Mini Review: Bath Haus by P.J. Vernon

This was another one of those books that I was reluctant to read because of the hype surrounding it. I feel those books so often leave me disappointed. Unfortunately, that was the case once again with Bath House. While it is fast paced and compelling, I guessed a lot of the twists ahead of time. I felt for Oliver (how could you not, given the way the author forces the reader, a tactic I do not like at all...the phrase "trauma porn" springs to mind), but I didn't really connect to him as a character.
I also felt this book was trying to be A Little Life mixed with a murder mystery, and not quite succeeding in the attempt. Another issue I had with the book, though one that other readers could avoid, is that I listened to the audio version which had Nathan and Oliver's chapters narrated by different people. While the Nathan narrator was fine, I found the Oliver voice to be quite irritating and whiny. This is, of course, a very subjective critique and other listeners might have thought both were cast perfectly. As I write this review, I am realizing I disliked the book more than I initially thought and am now contemplating two stars instead of three...Anyway, long story short, I wasn't a fan.