Mini Review: Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow

Alexander Hamilton was a man with numerous accomplishments to his name, and yet he was undeniably flawed and human as well, a fact Chernow illustrates throughout this biography. I appreciated the rounded and thorough picture that the author painted of this man who, through the success of the musical dedicated to his name, has become a almost mythical figure. Now I can't say I especially liked Hamilton, but it is undeniable that he was highly intelligent, ambitious and a figure critical to the founding of the America we know today. And still he was vain, an adulterer, who struggled with pride and debt throughout his rather short life. I was a bit daunted by the length of this book, but it speaks to Chernow's writing skill and his meticulous research that I was never bored and I am curious now to read more of his work If you are interested in learning more about US history, this book is a great place to start!