Link Love

It's Friday, which means it's time for Link Love, where I share some of my favorite articles and blogs from the past week. There are quite a few links I found interesting and worth sharing this week. I hope you find something here you enjoy. Happy reading!
First things first, if you have not done so, here are the places where you can register to vote and request your mail-in ballot. There are less than 100 days left until the election. Make that voice count!
Now for some books...
Creative quarantining!
If you ever wanted to know how the microwave, the color purple or super glue came to be...
If you're a little restless and/or crazy, you can sign up here to run the NYC Marathon from anywhere...
Sadly, this needs to be said...
Nap+Dress=my approval
And finally, for when you're not registering to vote, reading, running, napping...