Entertainment for When You're in Line to VOTE!

Today's the day! Many of us (including myself) have already voted, but for those heading to the polls today, expecting long lines, here are a few ideas to keep you entertained. This is such an important event, and I am so heartened to read that there are expectations of record numbers of voters. Stay safe, wear that mask, bring a snack, hydrate and let's go!
Catch up on your podcasts. Some recommendations to suit all tastes:
My Dad Wrote a Porno
History Extra Podcast
Armchair Expert
Ten Percent Happier
Men in Blazers
Today, Explained
Office Ladies
Or try an audiobook, such as:
Circe by Madeline Miller
Goodnight, Beautiful by Aimee Molloy
My Vanishing Country by Bakari Sellers
Walking the Americas by Levison Wood
Medium Raw by Anthony Bourdain
Un-trumping America by Dan Pfeiffer