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Blog Tour: The Spy Who Inspired Me by Stephen Clarke

Today I am excited to join the blog tour for The Spy Who Inspired Me by Stephen Clarke!

For legal reasons, The Spy Who Inspired Me does not mention J*mes B*nd. Which is a shame, because it is a comedy based on the idea that I*n Fl*ming’s famously macho spy might have been inspired by a woman...It is April 1944, and chic armchair naval officer Ian Lemming(sic)is accidentally beached in Nazi-occupied Normandy. With no access to a razor or clean underwear, and deprived of his cigarettes, Lemming just wants to go home. But he is stranded with a young, though hugely experienced, female agent called Margaux Lynd, who is on a perilous mission to unmask traitors in a French Resistance network. So, as she bullies him across France, Lemming receives a painful crash course in spy craft, and starts to fantasize about a fictional agent –male of course –who would operate only in the most luxurious conditions, and lord it over totally subservient women. A world-famous spy is born ...

Praise for Stephen Clarke

‘Tremendously entertaining’

Sunday Times

‘Outrageously readable’

Daily Mail

‘Quintessentially English sense of humour’

Vogue homme

My Review:


As the cover suggests, this is rather a fun and imaginative romp, and if you're looking for something entertaining and unusual to take your mind on a little journey, look no further!

This is a clever exploration of the role of female spies during the Second World War. Though it appears a little silly, it actually has more depth than I imagined and Clarke has a talent for transporting the reader to his setting. The characters are unique and engaging and I enjoyed the dialogue which was snappy and smart. The plot was a little predictable at times, but never boring and I would be happy to read more by this talented author!

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About the Author:

Stephen Clarkeis the bestselling author of the Merdeseries of comedy novels (A Year in the Merde, Merde Actually, Dial M for Merdeet al) which have been translated into more than 20 languages and sold more than a million copies worldwide.

Stephen Clarke has also written several serious-yet-humorous books on Anglo-French history, such as 1000 Years of Annoying the French(a UK number-one bestseller in both hardback and paperback), How the French Won Waterloo (or Think They Did), and The French Revolution & What Went Wrong. He lives in Paris.

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