This Week in Books

This Week in Books is a weekly round-up hosted by Lipsyy Lost and Found. In this post I look back on a book I've finished, highlight one I am currently reading, and one I will read in the near future. What are you reading these days?

THEN: I finished Between Breaths by Elizabeth Vargas. It was just okay for me, but maybe if you're a fan of her TV work, you will feel more of a connection to her as a writer as well.
You can find my review here:-)

NOW: Currently, I am reading Colombiano by Rusty Young. It's a LONG book, but not at all boring and actually quite shocking. The style really reminds me of Don Winslow, of whom I am a fan. So if you're looking for something really immersive, but very dark, you might want to give this book a try.

NEXT: I think I will read The Chestnut Man by Søren Sveistrup next. I've heard good things about this book, and though Scandi-crime isn't usually for me, I am intrigued!