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Mini Reviews: Tribe by Sebastian Junger and Uninhabitable Earth by David Wallace-Wells


This is a short book, but well worth reading. Junger's analysis of what makes a tribe and what brings people together and pulls them apart is very thoughtfully done. I read this right after David Wallace-Wells somewhat apocalyptic book about climate change, Uninhabitable Earth, and even though Junger isn't exactly cheery, I came away from the book feeling more hopeful. In the end, idealistic as I know it sounds, we have more in common than not. We want to be safe, want those we love to be safe and happy and healthy, and isn't that shared by just about everyone (with the exception of some truly awful people, that is)? Junger brings up the point that in today's society, there is a powerful focus on extrinsic values, which can manifest in materialism, whereas the intrinsic values are what ultimately make us happy or sad. He doesn't discount the fact that money and position can make life easier in many ways, but that it's not everything. My only criticism is that a lot of what he said could have been fleshed out a little more. That being said, I won't forget this book soon, I'm sure of that.

This is a must-read! The book rattled me (how could it be any other way with a title like Uninhabitable Earth), but maybe that's important given the current situation. I need to think about this for a while longer before I can write a better review, but I certainly recommend it!

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