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Link Love

It's Friday, which means it's time for Link Love, where I share some of my favorite bookish articles and blogs from the past week. There are quite a few links I found interesting and worth sharing this week. I hope you find something here you enjoy. Happy reading!

Quietly raise your hands if you're a fellow introvert? Book Riot has rounded up some of the best introverts in fiction. Do you have a favorite? Buzzfeed quizzes reliably tell me I'm a Hermione and I'll take it!

The Lit Hub highlights some of David Bowie's favorite books. There are lots of books on the list I've never read, let alone heard of, though somehow I'm not surprised to fin Nietzsche and Orwell on the list;-)

Have you heard about the new film about JRR Tolkien? Well, I hadn't but the trailer which was just released has me intrigued!

Finally, to leave you with something pretty as you enter the weekend, here are some beautiful book covers from 1820-1914!

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