15 Books I Can't Believe I've Never Read

I have seen the film and know the story and the book is so very, very long, but I somehow still feel I should probably read it at some point. What do you think, if you've climbed that particular mountain, is it worth it?
It may seem odd to put this book on the list, however Louise Penny's mystery series is so well known ad popular I am surprised at myself for having ignored it thus far. I actually own two copies of this book, so i really have not excuse.
Eek, so embarrassing! Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë is one of my all time favorite books, and yet I have never read this one. I am not sure what has kept me from it for so long. It sounds interesting, though it is rather long and has a touch of the depressing around the description. Any thoughts?
Another one of those classics someone who studied English Literature ought to have read, but I somehow have managed to avoid it (not quite willfully) until now. I do know the story, and it is not terribly appealing, so I can't see myself reaching for my copy of this one any time soon.
A few years ago, Quiet received a lot of attention. At that point I was basically reading no non-fiction and so, while the subject matter was interesting, I never really thought I would actually read it. However now, having dipped my toe quite tentatively into the pond that is non-fiction, I think I should finally give it a try.
I'm a big fan of Neil Gaiman and have read Good Omens, which they wrote together, but somehow the sheer number of Discworld books seems too daunting to start the series now.
I've actually borrowed the first book in this series, A Wizard of Earthsea, from the library twice and then returned it without reading. Everyone hails Le Guin as one of the best fantasy writers, so I feel I should read it at some point, but I make no promises;-)
This book sounds genuinely interesting and right up my alley, but its sheer size and likely melancholy mood of the story are a little daunting.
As someone who studied English literature, I am not sure how it's possible that I haven't read this classic, but somehow or other, I passed over it. I tried to read it last year yet couldn't get into the story at all. Maybe a case of right book wrong time, or maybe it just isn't for me and I'll never read it at all!
Not sure why I haven't read this, since the very title would suggest it's up my alley!
This is such a fantasy classic, and still I haven't even picked it up. ave you read it? Is it worth the hype?
Same story as with Sabriel, plus the lentgh - over 1000 pages - is just overwhelming.
If you can believe it, I have only ever read one book by the great master! I read
11.22. 63 a few years ago and though I thought it was excellent, I haven't reached for another book by King since. I am not a fan of horror and hardly know where to begin, though the Green Mile has been recommended more than once.
I know the story and it is sad. I feel conflicted between wanting to have read such a classic and shying away from a story where I already know the ending and which clocks in at around 1000 pages!
This is an American classic which, like Little Women, somehow evaded my radar and now I feel it might be a little too sweet for my reading tastes.