Mini Reviews: The Heart's Invisible Furies by John Boyne and Radical by Maajid Nawas

Oh, I just LOVED this book! The hype is well deserved! I don't even know quite how to review it yet, but if you haven't read it, don't be daunted by the length, in the end, you'll wish it were longer. Boyne has a beautiful way of writing and giving each of the many characters a compelling and unique voice. It's early, I know, but this has got to be among my top three reads of 2019. It's a wonderful, moving, thought-provoking and completely entertaining book!

This book was so compelling, and though it dealt with troubling subject matter and Maajid Nawas is frequently not the most likable of people, the transformation of his mindset is both heartening and fascinating to follow. While he came across a little self-important, even when he was no longer espousing his radical views, and some of his arguments seemed too superficial, I still couldn't stop reading.