Mini Reviews: Dopesick by Beth Macy and Embroideries by Marjane Satrapi

Dopesick is a very informative and well-written book about the opioid epidemic. Unfortunately, I listened to the audiobook, and I really hate to whine about this, but the author narrates it, and her voice reminded me so much of that of Sarah Huckabee Sanders. This isn't anyone's fault, of course, but I do wonder whether a different performer might have brought more life to the narration. That being said, the author tells an important series of stories and does so in a compassionate way I fund compelling. I learned a lot, and finished the book feeling rather depressed about the state of things in this country, so to cheer myself up I'll read a murder mystery next;-) In all seriousness, though, I was deeply moved and disturbed by the story this book tells and it opened my eyes to a terrible reality with which so many people live and are unable to escape.

This is a short, amusing read, though not at all on par with the impactful Persepolis books by the same author. That being said, it's an easy read and gives a glimpse of Iranian culture among women.