Mini Reviews: An Act of Silence by Colette McBeth and On Tyranny by Timothy Snyder

Though this wasn't as engaging to me as the other's previous book, The Life I Left Behind, but I did enjoy it and especially towards the last third, found myself eager to know how it would end. The author is good at creating multi-dimensional characters and building tension. I did think the multiple POVs, of which I am usually a fan, as well as the jumping around in time, took a little while to get used to, though. All in all, a solid mystery to start the new year:-)

Though this wasn't exactly groundbreaking, the author succinctly and thoughtfully outlines what it takes not to succumb to tyranny of any kind, how to foster behaviors and values within ourselves and in our environment to protect and educate ourselves. Snyder is a scholar of fascism, and that comes across clearly in his confidence and ability to illustrate a point with poignant examples. This is a very short book, and I would recommend it as a quick read for just about anyone!