Mini Reviews: The Diary by Vikki Patis and Hey, Kiddo by Jarrett J. Krosoczka

The Diary by Vikki Patis
I think, to be fair, I need to mention that maybe reading this book was a case of "it's not you, it's me". It's not a bad book nor very long, yet it took me AGES to finish. I think my mind wasn't in the right place for this one. I had read The Blackhouse before and it was so atmospheric and engaging, I think I was still mentally there instead of fully into The Diary. That being said, if it had been phenomenally gripping, I am sure I would have been turning those pages more quickly. I did guess at the ending, and found it fairly unspectacular, I'm sorry to say. I also thought the characters were not fully fleshed out, as they should have been, given the premise of the book. Nonetheless, I don't feel right giving it less than three stars, because I think, had this one not followed a book I would put of my "best of 2018" list, I probably would have liked it better. Thanks to Netgalley for supplying me with a copy of The Diary in exchange for an honest review.

Hey, Kiddo by Jarrett J. Krosoczka
Despite this being a graphic novel, Hey, Kiddo is not an easy or light read by any means. It tells a moving, sad, but also hopeful story of a family affected by addiction and loss. I had not known about this author before, because I don't read many graphic novels, but I would be curious to read his other work as well, because this book was just excellent, definitely among the best books I've read this year. It's a memoir, and the author doesn't shy away from complex issues and being critical of himself and people he loves. I would absolutely recommend this. Don't be put off by the medium if, like me, you don't often read a graphic novel, it's well worthwhile!