Mini Reviews: The Night Before by Wendy Walker and Her Last Secret by Barbara Copperthwaite

The Night Before is an engaging, psychological mystery, though to be honest, I feel it will be quite forgettable for me as well. I was intrigued as I read it, but even as I write this review, details have grown hazy. I didn't really connect with the characters and the ending didn't surprise me as much as I hoped it would. That being said, it was well written and not boring. I would definitely read this author again int he future. Thanks to Netgalley for supplying me with a copy of The Night Before in exchange for an honest review.

Sometimes multiple POVs and time jumps work, and sometimes they don't. Her Last Secret falls somewhere in between. I was engaged, though not gripped by a story that, given its premise, should have been a real page turner. I just didn't connect to any of the characters, even though there were plenty to choose from. It was an interesting story, and I did like the way the author showed a "normal" family whose members make some bad decisions and the effects of those. Overall, an entertaining read, but not really one I think will stay with me for very long, unfortunately. If you are thinking of reading this author, I would recommend The Perfect Friend over this one.