This Week in Books

This Week in Books is a weekly meme hosted by Lipsyy Lost and Found. In this post I look back on a book I've finished, highlight one I am currently reading, and one I will read in the near future. What are you reading these days?

THEN: I finished Fear by Bob Woodward. I was really on the fence about picking this up, but now that I have, I can confirm it's quite as disturbing as it has been painted to be. I'll write a longer review soon, but I need some time to gather my thoughts first.

NOW: Currently, I am reading Piranhas by Roberto Saviano. The author wrote Gomorrah, a sort of exposé of the Neapolitan mafia several years ago and has been in hiding ever since. So far, the book is tense and gripping, though quite tragic as well.

NEXT: I plan to read The Night Before by Wendy Walker next. I have to admit, I was drawn in by the cover, but I've been hearing it's very gripping and hope I will feel the same:-)