This Week in Books

This Week in Books is a weekly meme hosted by Lipsyy Lost and Found. In this post I look back on a book I've finished, highlight one I am currently reading, and one I will read in the near future. What are you reading these days?

THEN: I finished Anthony Horowitz's The Word Is Murder and really enjoyed it! It's a clever, well-paced caper with memorable characters. I'm excited to know it is going to be a series. You can find my review here.

NOW: I've started Open Your Eyes by Paula Day. I've read a few books by the author, and they can usually be relied upon to be engaging and fast-paced. So far, I'm enjoying it, even if I can't guess quite where the story is going, though that's not bad thing.

NEXT: Finally, I will probably read An Act of Silence by Colette McBeth next. I've enjoyed her prior books and had forgotten I owned a copy of this one until recently. Looking forward to it!