Link Love

It's Friday, which means it's time for Link Love, where I share some of my favorite bookish articles and blogs from the past week. There are quite a few links I found interesting and worth sharing this week. I hope you find something here you enjoy. Happy reading!
The Literary Hub looks at some of the books that defined the 1920s, a subject that is of particular interest to me as my own books are set during that time. There were a few I expected to see (The Great Gatsby, Ulysses, The Sun Also Rises . . .) and a few surprises I hadn't even heard of. Looks like my TBR is going to grow a little taller:-)
I thought this article I found on CrimeReads was really interesting, as it examines the act of reading Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier in today's climate. The author of the article has written a modern retelling of the book (The Winters), and as a fan of the original, I am very curious to see how her version measures up.
By now my fellow bookworms will know that the Man Booker prize was award to Anna Burns for Milkman. Val McDermid, the prolific crime writer (if you haven't read her book A Place of Execution, do it!) discusses what it is like to be a judge for the prize.