Link Love

It's Friday, which means it's time for Link Love, where I share some of my favorite bookish articles and blogs from the past week. Happy reading!
Let's start this week off with a list, this one tallying up some of July's best thrillers. have you read any of them? I plan to read the new Daniel Silva, The Other Woman and Give Me Your Hand by Megan Abbott.
I came across this cute story of a restaurant in Connecticut which gives its diner's free books!
Another article I thought was quite interesting was this one from The Guardian, discussing the way male authors are trying to portray gentler protagonists to combat toxic masculinity and give readers new ideals of how to behave as men and boys.
I just happened upon this new book, a mystery with Joe Biden and Barack Obama as the detectives, a few days ago and had to share it! It looks rather wacky, but I bight have to give it a try, just to see what those two are up to;-)
Finally, if you are a book addict like me, chances are you have more books than space. Bookriot tackles the problem with a few helpful places where you can donate or sell your extra b0oks.