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Abandoning a Book

What do you do with a book you don't like? Do you force yourself to power through, or do you abandon it, plenty more fish in the sea and all that? I have to admit, I used to belong to the former category. I would plow into a book and discover, fifty or so pages in, that I really didn't like it very much, or that it would surely be a mere two star read. Still, I would often push on (I blame a somewhat compulsive personality) with lackluster enthusiasm until finally reaching the end. Maybe it came with growing a bit older, or with having read a lot of books which changed my standards, but my attitude toward abandoning blah books has changed in recent years. I think I just have a stronger sense of knowing what I like, and frankly, a stronger feeling of simply not wishing to waste my time. If, after fifty pages or so, I am not connecting to the story, I will probably set it aside, knowing I am not the right reader for the book, nor is the book the right fit for me. That being said, if I have purchased the book - especially a hardback - I will struggle a little to call it a waste and not finish. However, since moving a few years ago, I discovered the library, which takes care of this dilemma for me. In my quest to get as many books as my gluttonous heart desires, I have figured out a number of ways to make this as cost effective as possible, so that I don't feel guilty if I give up on a book I do not care for. Let me know if you have any tricks to add to the list and tell me what you do when you pick up a book that simply is not delivering.

A few tips to help you along on the road to abandonment (literal and figurative)...

Get a library card

I am late to the game with this, but I can't tell you how much money it has saved me! And if I am only borrowing a book, not buying it, I don't feel guilty at all if I decide it's not for me.

Sign up for Overdrive

This goes along with the library card. You can borrow free audiobooks and ebooks via your library card number and listen to them on the app. It's almost like audible... only free!

Which brings me to Audible

Though you do have to pay for this every month, membership is well worth while. An added perk? If you decide a book is not for you, you can return it with no questions asked.

Sign up for Bookbub

This daily newsletter send you customized recommendations for ebooks between $1.99 and 3.99. A little trick if, like me, you don't read many ebooks, but love audiobooks. Often time a reduced ebook on Amazon will come with a companion reduced audiobook via the Whispersync program.

Try Netgalley

Netgalley is a great resource to get your hands on free, advanced reader copy ebooks in return for an honest review. I have been doing this for years and have found it to be really worthwhile!

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