2018 Summer Reading List

Where has this year gone?! I can't believe it is already the end of May 2018! I feel as if it was Christmas just a few weeks ago. Does anyone else feel the same? Anyway . . . the arrival of summer means (at least for many of us) warmer temperatures and maybe even a little holiday or stay-cation. Perfect conditions to tackle that t-read list or add a few more books to it. I will be doing a bit of traveling this summer, which means I need plenty of entertainment for long flights and for lounging around at the pool:-) This year, like last year, I have decided to rustle up a summer reading list. Now we all remember those lists we got from our school with reading pushed to the last week of summer holidays in favor of playing outside or reading something that was not Ray Bradbury or Nathaniel Hawthorne, right? I have my eye on a number of books I want to read in the following months, some new, some old, some in between and in a wild variety of genres. Added to that, I want to read some books before their TV/film adaptation is released. For The Princess and the Pen Summer Reading List, I've chose mostly new books. They are books I am either looking forward to reading myself, or have read and enjoyed. I hope you find something here that you like and happy reading!