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Mini Reviews: The Chalk Man by C.J. Tudor and Liar by K.L. Slater


I am finding it difficult to rate this book, I have to admit. Most of the time I was reading The Chalk Man, I found myself thinking - I can't believe this is a debut! The way the author created a really creepy atmosphere, totally sucked me in and I kept turning the pages, eager to know how it could end! Ed was an intriguing character and the setting well illustrated. I generally like books with unreliable narrators, and I kept thinking whether I could trust Ed's account, which added to the element of mystery. However, the build up of tension was let down by a less than spectacular conclusion. I won't give anything away, and maybe others will feel very differently, but I was disappointed by the ending. If I had expected predictable, that is what I would have largely got. But I expected creative and so was not expecting a conclusion that felt too simple for the dark, twisty story. That being said, I do think CJ Tudor is a talented writer, and I will keep an eye out for whatever she comes up with next, because for the most part, this was a solid debut.


Well this was a twisted story, if ever I read one! What an ending! I think people will be torn between loving and hating Liar, because of the ending, but I enjoyed it:-) The story moved quickly, and I do think with a psychological thriller, pace is really important. I also enjoyed that it was told from two POVs. Again, something some people love and others hate, but I fall firmly into the former category. I did feel the male characters were not very strong, however, this could be intentional. I won't go into the plot too much, because I do not want to spoil anything, though I will say, it kept me on my toes since, as far as I could see, this was a mystery without a murder. I will definitely keep an eye on this author for future reads!

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