Link Love

It's Friday, which means it's time for Link Love, where I share some of my favorite bookish articles and blogs from the past week. Happy reading!
Mosul, Syria has long been in the news for the very worst reasons. The tragedy that has befallen the people of that city is unthinkable, and even now that it has been liberated, it's residents have a great task ahead of them to rebuild the city, to strengthen it and its people and to return it to the Syrian center of culture it once was. One man remembers the city as he once knew it, through memories of books and has created The Book Forum in an attempt to resurrect a part of his beloved city's culture he feared lost then the great library was burned down. I thought this was a really interesting read.
Shifting tack a little, I found this article on The Guardian's website, discussing runaway mothers in literature. I wrote a long paper on the subject for university some years ago, so this was of particular interest to me.
Though this is not exactly a bookish article, I did enjoy this post on CrimeReads, which discusses some of the bets female detectives on TV. I enjoyed a number of these series (Miss Marple, Broadchurch, Line of Duty) and some are, after all, based on books. Have you seen any of these series? Who are some detectives you would add to the list?
Finally, have you heard, Sean Penn is publishing a novel. It has been widely panned, and though ordinarily, I would try not to judge an author's capabilities before having read the book myself, it is a challenge in his case. Celebrities suddenly coming out as writers are a pet peeve of mine, since I am an author, too, but can't just bandy about my name to create sales. Evidently, I am not alone in feeling this way. He has also written a poem in the book, and three poets analyze it here, with rather a critical, slightly humorous eye.
And just to bring home the point...;-)