15 Books to Get You Out of a Reading Slump

Late last year, I felt I was in a bit of a reading slump. I still read and picked up new books all the time, but I also abandoned more than is usual for me and found few as thrilling as I hoped they would be. In part, I think, this was because I was reading so much in one genre (if you guessed crime fiction, you know me well;-) and thus felt everything was getting a bit too predictable. I am happy to report, however, that 2018 has been a good reading year for me so far. Everless, In Other Lands, Bring Me Back, Dear Martin and Anatomy of a Scandal were just a few books that lived up to the hype so far this year and definitely got me out of my reading rut. If you are in a bit of a slump, or just want some really engaging bookish recommendations, I have compiled a few of my favorite page-turners below. The original title of this post was "7 Books to Get You Out of a Reading Slump", obviously, I failed in my task and now bring you "15 Books to Get You Out of a Reading Slump";-) Hope there is something that strikes your fancy and happy reading!!