Link Love

It's Friday, which means it's time for Link Love, where I share some of my favorite bookish articles and blogs from the past week. Happy reading!
First the most exciting news, the first images of the adaptation of Elena Ferrante's Neapolitan Novels have been released! I am currently re-reading the series (that tells you how much I love those books, I hardly ever re-read anything!). The casting looks good, though of course I do not know the actresses. The whose series is set to be in Italian will likely premiere later this year. I am both thrilled and nervous about the treatment of the stories, but mostly the former. Have you read the books? What did you think?
CrimeReads has rounded up a list of 15 Irish Crime authors, and though I thought I already read quite a lot of Irish Crime authors, I found I only knew four of them! Are you more familiar with some of these writers? Any recommendations?
Though print books will always be my first love, I must admit, I have recently grown to be very excited about my ereader! It is just so convenient. A fellow reader at Bookriot took her love for her ereader to the next level with a little love letter:-)
The Literary Hub takes an interesting look at the effort behind taking an author photo, which I found rather a fun read.
Electric Lit posted this list of perfumes that are meant for book lovers. I am not so sure about these, but the idea is fun. Would you wear a bookish fragrance? Much as I love libraries, I don't know if I want to smell like one...