Mini Review: The Cruel Prince by Holly Black

“I like for things to happen, for stories to unfold. And if I can’t find a good enough story, I make one.” ― Holly Black, The Cruel Prince
Once in a while the hype is justified, and I am happy to report, such is the case with Holly Black's The Cruel Prince. It's clever, fast paced with multi-dimensional characters. The story, while perhaps not the most original or unpredictable, is super engaging and the book as a whole compulsively readable. My only complaint is that the sequel isn't out yet! The first book that goes on my "best of 2018" shelf:-) I don't read much fantasy anymore, but I think it's time to go back to that once favorite genre of mine. Also, can someone recommend some good standalone YA fantasy, or a series with no more than three books? I'm in the mood for something like this, but don't want to commit to a long series.