Link Love

It's Friday, which means it's time for Link Love, where I share some of my favorite bookish articles and blogs from the past week. Happy reading!
Let's start this week with a good list! Buzzfeed asked its readers which celebrity books are actually worth reading and here are the 19 resuults. I have read a few of them and would recommend Trevor Noah's Born a Crime and Cary Elwes' As You Wish.
I have to admit, despite studying literature, I am not so big on poetry. That being said, the work of WWI era poet Wilfred Owen could not fail to move even me. Now Prince William has opened a competition to search for the Wilfred Owen of this generation. Owen's work is tragic, but rousing and whoever enters into the competition will have large shoes to fill.
Have you ever been in a reading rut? Quick to abandon every book you start? I think most eager readers have experienced this, and Bookriot has rounded up a few books to breat you out of your rut. I haven't read any of them yet, though I do have a copy of The Wedding Date, which sounds like fun:-)
This week The Literary Hub offers a look at Donna Tartt's The Secret History. I was one of the three people in the world who didn't love her book The Goldfinch, so I never felt like reading The Secret History. That being said, these reviews do make me more curious. I think Tartt is a good writer, with eloquent language that is almost poetic at times. However, I didn't feel she was a great plotter or creator of characters, which basically guarantees I won't enjoy a novel, especially if it is just shy of 800 pages. What did you think of this book or The Goldfinch if you read it?
Finally, Architectural Digest offers some eye-candy with 35 home libraries, enjoy!