Link Love

“There is no Frigate like a Book To take us Lands away Nor any Coursers like a Page Of prancing Poetry – This Traverse may the poorest take Without oppress of Toll – How frugal is the Chariot That bears a Human soul.” ― Emily Dickinson, Selected Poems
It's Friday, which means it's time for Link Love, where I share my favorite booki articles of the week. Happy reading!
Another two lists in this week's round-up, this time about girl power in books, come from Off the Shelf and Literary Hub.
If you enjoy Kerry Greenwood's fun Phryne Fisher mysteries or just like a sassy detective, you have probably watched Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Well, it looks like the lady detective might be brought to the big screen.
Literary Hub also featured an interesting article about the various ways people have tried to hack the New York Times Bestseller List.
On Bookish, author Kate Moretti compiles a list of modern mysteries with unreliable narrators.