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This Week in Books

This Week in Books is a fun meme hosted by Lipsyy Lost and Found. In this post I look back on a book I've finished, highlight one I am currently reading, and one I will read in the near future. What are you reading these days?

THEN: I just finished Mohsin Hamid's Exit West this morning. The story is slow, but engaging and Hadid has an almost lyrical way of writing, which served him well in this book, which was almost entirely exposition and very little dialogue. It also made me feel I understand the experience of being a migrant or a refugee a little better and for that alone, given the state of the world, this is worth reading. I will try to have a more in depth review up later this week.

NOW: Last night I started The Good Widow by Liz Fenton and Lisa Steinke. It's off to an intriguing start, and I am excited to keep reading, especially as I am a great fan of domestic fiction with a good dose of suspense thrown in. As an author myself, though, I always marvel how two authors manage to sit down together and write a cohesive story. For that alone, I think Fenton and Steinke earn a pat on the back:-)

LATER: I know this one comes slightly out of left field, given my penchant for mysteries, but I used to be a big reader of fantasy and once in a while, I dip my toe back in that pond. The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh has been on my to-read list almost since the time it was published two years ago! I've heard good things about it, and it has consistently high ratings, so I am curious to see if all the fuss is warranted.

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