Behind Closed Doors
“I look around at everybody laughing and joking together and struggle to understand my life has become a living hell that nobody present could even begin to imagine” ― B.A. Paris, Behind Closed Doors
I had had my eye on this since I saw it on a blog weeks ago, and was rather excited when I finally got my hands on a copy. As you can see by my rating, it was well worth the wait. The plot grabbed my attention from the beginning to the last page. Paris has a fast-paced style, which nonetheless never felt rushed. The story was meticulously plotted and though it would have been easy to make a mistake given the situation(which I won't give away, don't want to spoil this one for you!). The characters were multi-faceted, and the shift from past to present was handled smoothly. I cannot believe this is the author's first novel. I cannot wait for whatever she comes up with next!