May 5, 2018
Saturday Spotlight: The Oracle by Charles Soule
Every week I am going to do a weekend spotlight post focusing on the work of an indie or debut author. As some of you may have read,...

Apr 14, 2018
Saturday Spotlight: Lawn Boy by Jonathan Evison
Every week I am going to do a weekend spotlight post focusing on the work of an indie or debut author. As some of you may have read,...

Mar 24, 2018
Saturday Spotlight: Reign of the Marionettes by Sheena Mcleod
Every week I am going to do a weekend spotlight post focusing on the work of an indie or debut author. As some of you may have read,...

Mar 3, 2018
Saturday Spotlight: Impossible Saints by Clarissa Harwood
Every week I am going to do a weekend spotlight post focusing on the work of an indie or debut author. As some of you may have read,...

Jan 27, 2018
Saturday Spotlight: Watching Glass Shatter by James J. Cudney
Every week I am going to do a weekend spotlight post focusing on the work of an indie or debut author. As some of you may have read,...